Eclipse Season 101

Eclipse Season 101

Happy Eclipse Season, Kittens! 

Can you feel a shift that has taken place in your life? 

Personally, I have felt all the emotions, all the spiritual symptoms of being shifted into a new timeline (more on that in a moment), and clarity on what is to come. 

Before we continue, here are three things to remember about Eclipses. 

1) Eclipses act as Grand Beginning and Grand Endings. The best part is that you often don't need to "do" anything to elicit these types of catalysts. Based on your actions over the past six months (since Aries Season - March/April 2024) you are now being shown what the next chapters of your life will entail. Acknowledge what is coming up and be open to surrendering and letting go of what is no longer working/aligned.

2) When an Eclipse happens, part (partial) or all (total) of the light from one of the luminaries (The Sun or The Moon) is being "stolen." The Sun and Moon are hugely linked to our vitality, spirit, and life force. Thus, it is paramount that you take the proper steps to rest, ground, and be present during the Eclipses. It is not ideal for manifestation rituals or putting out your crystals to charge because remember - the light of the luminaries is greatly affected. In almost every ritual we rely on The Sun and The Moon to help guide and channel our thoughts and intentions. Rest - now is the time to clear, heal, and integrate. 

3) Locally, you can get specific about where the energy of the Eclipses are by examining the House(s) in your Natal Chart where said Eclipse takes place. Yesterday, the Full Moon Partial Eclipse happened in the sign of Pisces. The New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra will occur on October 2/2024. The House in your Natal Chart ruled by Pisces (even if you have no planets in this House ) will be an area of growth over the coming Eclipse Cycles (now until Mid 2026.) The part of your chart ruled by Libra is where things are being released and let go (and has been the case since Mid July of 2023.) If you have personal planets or angles in Pisces and/or Libra, then those domains from that placement will be amplified by the Eclipses (especially if the placement is in close proximity to the Eclipse.)

While I understand this can be a lot to take in at first, the more you work with Eclipses, the more magical and awe inspiring this time of year gets to be.

The key (in my opinion) is to be a curious observer - take time to be still and see what obvious and loud shifts are taking place at this time. Journalling out the shifts would be wise so you can reflect on these periods in the future. Also, these periods of activation can be overwhelming and very emotional - so, reach out for support when needed (especially my Saturnine and Martian ruled angels who often like to do all the heavy lifting by themselves - I see you, but be open to extra love at this time too.)


On a more "woo-woo" side of things, I personally believe that portals give us a greater understanding of our soul's purpose - certain goals it wants to achieve, and elevated states of being it wants us to experience that perhaps we have not done in previous life times. 

For example, in this timeline, you are experiencing a shift in career during Eclipse Season. Perhaps in a previous timeline you were desperate to leave your deadend job but didn't have the courage and/or couldn't due to other obligations. Now, what may seem stressful for you (getting laid off, forced to leave due to medical reasons, etc.) is actually your soul getting ready to experience a new level in career that you have never experienced before (especially if the Eclipses are affecting your 10th House, your MC, or the ruling planets of your 10th House or MC.)

This "woo-woo" approach is not necessarily shared by all astrologers, but it is something I have witnessed personally in my own life and in the life of clients during consultations as I am very fascinated with the Lunar Nodes, especially during Eclipse Season. 

I will give a personal example of this. I have been training extensively in voice over for over four years. This summer, this training had reached a peak and I wanted to get new voice over demos produced in Toronto. Due to some Mercury Rx delays, it just so happened that all of the correspondence with the studio, and the accompanying directors, fell within the last 3 days (even though I started corresponding about my demos with industry professionals back in July.) This past Partial Lunar Eclipse happened in Pisces, which rules my 3rd House of Communication. The South Node, currently in Libra, is what rules my 10th House of Fame/Public Image. 

Sometimes you don't have to go searching for obvious Eclipse manifestations. They literally land in your back yard, so to speak. 


If you take anything from this blog, I trust that you can see how divinely guided our lives truly are in relation to the Cosmos. The more you take stock of prominent shifts that happen in your life during Eclipses, the easier it will be to "tune in" to the Cosmic Frequency with all future astrological transits. 

You Got This!!


- Matthew Oliver

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