Protection & Intuition

Protection & Intuition

Hypothetical Situation:


You go to an ATM and insert your debit card. The machine takes it, doesn't give you money, and doesn't return your debit card. 


You try again, with a different debit card… even though you just had your first debit card taken. This second debit card also doesn't give you money, and also gets taken by the ATM. 


Chances are you wouldn’t try a third time. 


While you are on the phone trying to receive support with the ATM company, you see another human come and have the exact same experience you did. Perhaps you didn’t notice them as you were too consumed with your own frustration. You now see this human irritated and frustrated just like you were moments ago. You point out the support phone number on the ATM. They thank you and go about their day. 


Now another human comes across your path with a smile on their face, debit card in hand, approaching the ATM. 


What do you do? 


You are still on hold listening to trite elevator music. 


Chances are you would let this happy human know that the machine isn’t working. You relay your own experience and that of the second human. This third human thanks you and is filled with gratitude. You instantly made their day better. 




Imagine “You” in this scenario is your Higher Self. 


The "debit card" is an energetic investment.


The second and third humans are different versions of yourself in various timelines. 


The "ATM" is an unaligned relationship, job, home, city, etc. 


When things are not working, it doesn’t always mean they are “bad” it just means they are not aligned for us, in that moment. 


The ATM is not bad. It just isn’t working. It might get fixed in a week (or across multiple timelines) but it may not ever get fixed and remain broken (unaligned) for good. Even if you always went to this ATM in the past, now, moving forward, it is not working. 


Your Higher Self, God, Source, Universe is often trying to get your attention through VARIOUS methods. One of which being your intuition. I, personally, believe humans receive a strong “gut feeling” (AKA, your intuition screaming at you) when something/someone is truly not aligned (especially when you’ve done the emotional work to recognize your own patterning, biases, and projections.)


When YOU choose to IGNORE your own INTUITION, then you are no different than a human ignoring a smart stranger’s (Your Higher Self’s) warning that the ATM machine is broken. 


You chose to ignore your intuition. You chose to deny insurance, protection, or the easy route to instead face a challenge, setback, or obstacle that didn’t necessarily have to be there. 


Now, this scenario has to do with our own Intuition and being Protected from loss of time, energy, or ease. Sometimes you have to have your “debit card being eaten” to learn the lesson only once, to then correct a behaviour for good. Then, lesson learned. Perhaps your Higher Self doesn’t feel the need to step in as it understands this lesson is necessary. 


For me, this is a true joy of life. Getting to sharpen your intuition to instantly make your life easier (and far more magical) then having every decision be laid out and decided for you. Just like we get to experience the joy of becoming healthier, smarter, stronger, more emotionally astute, etc. 


Intentionally prioritizing your ability to grow your intuition, on a daily basis, will ALWAYS increase your ability to discern who and what is aligned for your highest good - especially in high stake situations or when it is not the “easy” thing to do. 


How to increase one’s intuition? 


There are various ways, one of which taking the time to get grounded and ask your body (your heart, spirit) what it needs most at that time. Does it need rest? Does it want orange juice? Does it desire adventure? If you answer the call, your intuition will feel more and more safe expressing itself to you each time you wish to build that connection. If you choose to ignore your intuition then don’t be surprised if it doesn’t “answer the call” when you need it most. Think of it this way - if you always ignored someone, and prioritized someone else and praised that person across social media (work, fame, money, etc.) then your intuition (person #1) would likely feel hurt, rejected, abandoned and not overly thrilled to answer the call from you when you “want to hang out.”


Your intuition is no different than your Health, Mindset, or Relationships. It requires constant love, nurturing, and attention to grow and become stronger. 


I, personally, have been highly intuitive my entire life (the blessings of being a Scorpio Dominant Diva.) I could tell when my parents/family were lying or being disingenuous. I knew what was for me and what wasn’t (especially in regard to career and soul purpose.) I could easily tell when certain humans were being duplicitous or manipulative. Now, this wasn’t always an easy gift to hold. I had people try to gaslight me or tell me I was “crazy” to have these intuitive feelings. Those conversations and experiences of me protecting my intuition from unaligned humans were no cake walk, especially as a child with limited authority and autonomy to change my environments. However, that rigorous “training” helped me to harness a gift that now serves me daily. 


As you go higher, you will always need extra security and protection. Thus, taking the time to connect in with your body, your Higher Self, and your Goals will allow you to connect deeper with your intuition. You may not always like the intuitive downloads (especially when there is a “loss” or you are being asked to give something up.) However, if you truly believe in this work then those messages are always met with more gratitude than resistance. 


Do the Work, Receive the Blessings. 


It is that easy. 


But, the choice is always yours. 


You Got This!!

- MO

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