Libra Season 2024

Libra Season 2024

Happy Libra Season, Kittens!!


Lots has shifted in the last 24 Hours. 


If you want to be retrospective, yesterday (September 22/2024) we had the Sun enter Libra and remain at 0 degrees while Venus (the ruling planet of Libra) was at 29 degrees of Libra until the late hours where she then moved into Scorpio. Thus, there were likely major hints of what this Libra Season will showcase as yesterday was bookended by both the Sun, and its ruling planet (the Lord) of itself. This is where Astrology gets much more nuanced and mind blowing. 


If "nothing" happened for you yesterday, I would ask you to be a touch more introspective to see what you were thinking and what ideas were coming through that you are likely to build over the next few weeks. 


And, remember, we are still in the throngs of Eclipse Season. Please, please, please take time to rest, integrate, and be a curious observer in how the Universe is trying to dance with you. When you take time to be still, it is often very obvious what the next steps are for your Soul's Journey. 


And, if you're feeling extra, EXTRA, sleepy - you are not alone. I myself have been getting 8-10 hours each night and still feel like I could sleep even more while having "integration headaches" come up around 6PM each night. This can be drawn to many things (not just the Eclipses) but also the fact that Mercury is directly opposing Neptune Rx. Even though Mercury has great strength right now, Neptune can cause even the fiercest of scholars to need time to drift off and detach from their mind. The exact opposition between Mercury and Neptune Rx will occur on Wednesday, September 25/2024. After that, it should be much easier to think and find solutions if you are currently confused, fatigued, or frustrated at the lack of direction you are experiencing. In my experience, leaning into Neptune and witnessing the intuitive and Universal messages increase at this time is wise and alleviates the irritation and confusion. It is not necessarily what "makes sense" but how we feel. The balance between Head and Heart - it is Libra Season, so this aspect is calling us back to recalibrate our own internal Scales. 


Lastly, Venus has now entered Scorpio where she will be until October 17/2024, so essentially the entirety of Libra Season. This is important for a couple of reasons. One, remember that Libra is ruled by Venus, so the Sun is now answering to Venus in Scorpio. Secondly, the New Moon Solar Eclipse we will have on October 2nd is now going to have a Scorpionic flavour to it. Understanding the Houses in your Natal Chart ruled by Libra and Scorpio will give you a massive heads up on what parts of your life are going to be heavily activated over the next 3-4 weeks.

A couple of prompts to sit with during this Venus in Scorpio transit:

1) Where do you give more than you receive? How does this make you feel?

2) Where do you receive more than you give? How does this make you feel?

3) Where do you avoid vulnerability and challenging conversations in order to be liked and maintain the "status quo" of a relationship?

4) How do you feel when you avoid sharing how you feel - especially when the feelings are intense?

5) How can you express your emotions more authentically in your day to day life to allow for more powerful relationships to form?

Venus in Scorpio is not amused by sweet nothings and false pleasantries. This time can reveal loyal, intimate connection you seek and what needs to be released in order to obtain more of this intense and committed love. Now is not the time to lower your standards, especially in relationships. Allow others to rise to your level. And, give gratitude when the trash takes itself out.


Rest, Integrate, Elevate.


This is a time where huge shifts are occurring. It is OK if you are feeling overwhelmed, emotional, and exhausted. You are not meant to go through this all alone. This, in my opinion, is what Libra Season + Venus in Scorpio is here to teach us. When we go deep, we allow for new recalibration to occur - a balance our soul has always longed for and has been waiting to achieve.


You Got This!!



- Matthew Oliver

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