Venus in Libra: Rebalancing the Karmic Scales

Venus in Libra: Rebalancing the Karmic Scales

For any devotee of Venus, the time of year when Venus enters Libra can be a very fortunate and opportune time. 


Remember that the symbol for Venus is that of a hand mirror. Taking time to sit and reflect on what is balanced (Libra) in our most intimate/pleasurable areas of our lives (Venus) is perhaps easiest or most emphasized during this transit. 


Furthermore, we still have the South Node transiting through Libra (this South Node transit has been active since July 17/2023.) Thus, the added emphasis of releasing what is no longer in alignment or taking extra time to reflect on the Venus ruled parts of your life may be extra prominent this season. 


Many astrologers have different takes on the South Node, especially as past lives/reincarnation is not something everyone believes in. However, possible energies from South Node transits that I have seen in my personal practice with clients include:

*Letting go/releasing what no longer serves you (physically, mentally, emotionally, financially)


*A Karmic event that helps to rebalance the scales for one’s soul

*A fated event that connects you with something/someone you are meant to be with

*A past pattern/mindset/cycle coming up for review to ensure you have fully integrated and learned the lesson


It’s easy to talk about Venus being in domicile (Libra & Taurus) and how that can manifest in blessings, beauty, and pleasure (all of which is true.) But, how can we take our analysis one step further and look to this South Node as a clue to what can be removed/integrated/healed so that every single Venusian experience in our lives can be that much more pleasurable and beautiful for each subsequent season of our lives? That’s a major question I would love for you to hold as we enjoy this Venus in Libra transit, which will last between August 29-September 23/2024. 


Some Key Dates to Keep in Mind for Optimal Beauty:

Favourable Days for Venus/Beauty include September 4 (after 1PM EST), September 5, September 6, September 14, and September 15. 

September 4: Ideal for facials (extractions), cutting hair (releasing old energy) as the Moon is in Libra conjunct Venus and the South Node. 

September 5&6: Moon in Libra conjunct Venus, trine Jupiter in Gemini. Strong day for filler/cut and colour/overall beauty procedures. The Moon is still in her New Moon Phase, so you may feel inclined to start a new beauty regime/cycle of procedures (ex. micro needling, forma facials, red light therapy, etc.)

September 14&15: Moon in Aquarius trine Venus in Libra and Jupiter in Gemini. Great for consultations to discuss procedures or finding out new information around relationships, beauty secrets, or even wanting to try something completely different in love/beauty (this is due to the Moon squaring Uranus in Taurus.) On the 15th, Venus in Libra is exactly trine Jupiter so this is one of the best days to call on Venus (especially for parties, social events, "shooting your shot" with a potential love interest, etc.

Other Noteworthy Dates:

September 3: Venus conjunct the South Node. This may bring extra awareness to a relationship (of any kind, including self) that is unbalanced or no longer aligned. With Mercury regaining speed, post retrograde, now is the ideal time to use your words to seek clarity and understanding in this part of your life. Most likely to affect those with strong cardinal placements between 4-8 degrees. Check the Libra ruled part of your Natal Chart to see where this relationship dynamic is likely to manifest.

September 22&23: Venus square Pluto Rx in Capricorn at 29 degrees. This hard aspect can put into place power dynamics/issues in relationship and business matters. The positive manifestation of this transit is a breakthrough and breaking old patterns/thinking/relationships to establish a new status quo/equilibrium for yourself. Something to watch out for is agreeing to things/contracts because they "worked in the past" even though it no longer feels right or resonate for who you are and where you want to go. Be careful of going back to old/toxic relationships due to fear or stagnancy during this time. This transit is specifically noteworthy if you have prominent cardinal placements between 26-29 degrees. For more specificity on where this may manifest most for you, look to the houses in your Natal Chart ruled by Libra and Capricorn (and secondly, look to your Taurus ruled house as Taurus is ruled by Venus and will also be affected by Pluto themes.)


Overall, this is a transit I am extremely happy about Venus is indeed most happy in Libra and can utilize her gifts in a natural and free flowing way. However, I must also highlight the South Node energy here just so everyone can keep in mind what needs to be released/recycled to best utilize this transit. And, for those who do have strong Libra placements in their Natal Chart, there may be something/someone you are letting go of, or a karmic situation that feels heavy due to this South Node energy (which again, has been present since July 17/2023. But, it may just feel "louder" with Venus now "coming home" and having to navigate this energy up close and personal.)


I'm wishing everyone a beautiful and pleasurable Venus in Libra Transit!


You Got This!!

- MO

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